Hebrews 12:2 reminds God's people to "run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith." (ESV). For generations we have seen God's hand at work in blessing Trinity so Christ crucified and risen may be proclaimed to all in our community and all who walk through our doors. Most recently we have seen the acquisition of our current property (2006), the construction of a beautiful worship space and parish hall (2016), and the addition of an education wing that allows ample space for ministry events (2018). Answering the call of Christ to make disciples, Trinity has begun to run the race with endurance with a forward vision. Now we look towards finishing the race!
The faithfulness of God's people, with God's blessing, allowed for this race to begin. However, it's not quite finished... at least yet. Such blessing has come at a cost; specifically a ~$2.26 million mortgage. As of February 2024, Trinity sits at roughly $1.95 million remaining. While are thankful for the generosity of tithes and offerings that come in to help meet our monthly mortgage needs, we also recognize to continue a path of regular monthly payments prohibits our ability to do ministry to our fullest potential. The sooner our debt is eliminated, the sooner our ministry can thrive to even greater heights! We prayerfully ask your partnership and commitment to help FINISH THE RACE!
More information regarding details on this campaign, ways to be involved, and more may be found in the FAQ below. Additionally, updates may be found in our weekly E-News and worship bulletins.
Your partners in this race,
Trinity Council Leadership
Trinity Board of Elders
Pastor Peter Ahlersmeyer

FTR Campaign Questions and Answers
1. What is the "Finish the Race" Campaign?
The "Finish the Race" campaign is a dedicated effort to eliminate our debt by 2032 (Trinity's 100th anniversary) with two main phases. The first, and crucial, phase of this campaign is to reduce our mortgage to $1.4 million by September 2026. The reason for the first phase goal revolves around the mortgage's interest rate resetting. While there are unknowns regarding what the interest rates will be in 2026, a reduced principle of $1.4 million will allow for Trinity to absorb even a significant interest rate hike without increase to our costs. If we only see a slight or same interest rate, Trinity may very well be able to save thousands annually. Either way, it's a win-win scenario!
2. Why is it called "Finish the Race"?
Just as the author of Hebrews encouraged believers to "run with perseverance the race marked out for us" (Hebrews 12:1), we see our debt reduction campaign as a collective journey to finish what we've started financially and to move forward with freedom in our ministry. It is only when our mortgage is reduced/paid off will we be able to explore some much needed ministry endeavors.
3. Why is debt reduction important for our church?
Reducing our debt enables us to allocate more resources to ministry and community outreach, rather than servicing interest payments. It allows us to be good stewards our finances more effectively and will allow us to invest more fully for Trinity's future. We are thankful for the stewardship of members, and we as leaders feel a great obligation to be good stewards with what is given in faith!
5. How can I contribute to the campaign?
You can contribute to the campaign through one-time donations or reoccurring donations. If giving in-person please be sure to use a church envelope and specify "Finish the Race" or "Debt Reduction". If you wish to give online click here and give online under the debt reduction tab. Be on the lookout for pledge cards at the welcome table beginning April, 21, 2024 to complete and turn in for our campaign kick-off worship and breakfast May 5, 2024.
6. Are contributions to the campaign separate from regular offerings?
Yes, contributions to the "Finish the Race" campaign are intended to be above and beyond regular offerings. It's important to continue supporting the ongoing operations and ministries of the church while also contributing to debt reduction. For this reason we ask that contributions going towards this campaign go above and beyond your regular committed tithes. Once money is given towards this campaign it becomes "restricted" and cannot be reallocated for other uses.
7. Are there other efforts Trinity's Leadership is doing to help alleviate debt?
Yes! Two policies were passed in early 2024 that allow Trinity to accelerate payments to debt reduction. The reserve policy allows for money to be put in CDs and high yield accounts to maximize interest earned. The debt elimination policy allows general fund surplus money to be prioritized towards this campaign. In addition, our current savings from 2023 will allow Trinity's leadership to kick-off the debt reduction by making an initial pledge of $50,000 from our 2023 surplus!
8. What happens if we don't reach the $500,000 goal by September 2026?
While reaching our goal is our aim, every contribution made to the campaign brings us closer to our target and helps to reduce our debt burden. We will continue to pursue debt reduction efforts beyond the campaign deadline if necessary.
9. Who can I contact if I have more questions about the campaign?
For any further inquiries about the "Finish the Race" campaign, please reach out to Trinity's Chairman Dave Harris or Pastor Peter through the contact tab. Either will be happy to assist you with more information and guidance.